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A Biblical Critique of the Group “Evangelicals For Harris” – Part 2

Hear no evil. See no evil. Speak no evil. This is part two of our blog series focusing on the group, “Evangelicals for Harris” (EFH). The phrase that begins this piece clearly defines the mindset of those involved in the EFH movement.

 If you make a journey to their website (don’t waste your time), you discover with glowing words how pro-family Kamala Harris is, along with all kinds of tidbits of information regarding this “fact.” You can also read her faith story, where not once is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ mentioned.

 In fact, the first paragraph supposedly sums up what she become today. We read, from the website, “A loving God, the Good Samaritan, serving others, and a deep respect for all faith traditions — these experiences, teachings, beliefs, and values Vice President Kamala Harris grew up with have shaped her into the leader she is today.”

 It is true that God is love, but He is more than just that. He is holy, just, righteous, gracious, and merciful. Harris has been clear on her view of the unborn from day one – she wants a nationwide, government enforced law supporting abortion through the entire pregnancy. This is couched in being supportive of women’s healthcare and the right to do with their body what they choose. There is absolutely no concern for the unborn in anything she says.

 She recently said that if elected and her view on abortion becomes law, she would push for no religious exemptions. Doctors would be forced to perform this horrendous practice even if goes against their conscience. If Harris and the EFH sycophants who support her claim that she has “deep respect for all faith traditions,” this is an obvious misleading based on her latest statement regarding someone performing abortions because of their religious convictions.

 The response from the Center for Baptist Leadership says it well, “This means that all Christian hospitals, healthcare providers, businesses, etc., would be forced to provide/cover abortion if she got her way. It would be the end of the First Amendment and religious liberty as we know it.”

 On the EFH website, Harris cites the parable of the Good Samaritan as a reason for her journey into public service. We read,“I can trace my belief in the importance of public service back to learning the parable of the good Samaritan and other biblical teachings about looking out for our neighbors — and understanding that our neighbors aren’t just those who live in our ZIP code, but include the stranger, too. Over the course of my career, I’ve always tried to be an advocate for the voiceless and vulnerable …”

 The word “neighbor,” as defined in the Greek language of the New Testament, includes anyone we may encounter in our life. Obviously, there are “neighbors” (such as family members) of whom we may have a closer connection to, but the problem with what we just read is that the parable of the Good Samaritan is about individuals, not the government, helping others. Note that she says that this parable led to her desire to be in “public service.” Can you help others by doing public service? Of course, but what is your definition of “public service?” And does that connect with the parable?

 The story, found in Luke 10:25-37, is about an individual who saw an injured man who had been robbed laying by the side of the road. Jesus’ point in the story was that two religious leaders passed by this wounded, broken person, but a Samaritan, someone from a group of people despised by others for various reasons, stopped and helped.

 Not only that, he, not the government, or some foundation, paid the innkeeper, the place where the Samaritan took the injured man, to care for him. This is not a story about public service where a group is stepping in and “helping,” often seen in free handouts without accountability. It is about us as individuals caring for others and was a response by Jesus to a question asked by a scribe (lawyer), a teacher of the Jewish Law when he asked the Lord, “who is my neighbor?”

 There are people who do need help, but again, this parable is not addressing a corporate response to a situation. Jesus is speaking of individual responsibility to help when we can.

 And if we are to “love our neighbor” and to “love God with all our heart, soul, and mind” (Matthew 22:37-40), how loving is it to not help our “neighbor” understand our obligation to do what we can to give a helping hand, and to also show what God’s Word says about gender (more on that below), instead of separating families and tearing them apart as has been happening the last few years. Harris’ understanding of loving your neighbor falls far short of the Biblical view.

 Plus, how loving is it to kill children in the womb? Life begins at conception. That is unarguable scientifically and Biblically.

 In addition, Harris has always been about government overreach. Just read the facts. She wholeheartedly supports men in women’s sports and will back fully, if elected, Biden’s gender transition agenda. That would include puberty blockers, surgery, etc., for anyone wanting to change their God-given gender.

 We know this confusing issue is already being promoted to children as young as kindergarten in some states and that in some places, schools are helping kids in their personal transition without notifying the parents. Harris will continue that trend from all indications.

 For supposedly being a person of faith, she ignores what God states in His Word – that there are two genders, male and female, which is determined by our DNA and the creative hand of God (Gen. 1:27). This is why we need to teach our kids to celebrate who God has made them to be and help any of them who may be struggling with gender identity. The government will not help in this.

 The EFH website tries to paint a picture, especially when it comes to policies, of how much good the Biden-Harris team has done, especially for the family. Unfortunately, there is dishonesty there on what they have in print. We will deal with that in another article.

 EFH is made up of progressive “Christians” whose theological, ethical and social views do not line up with the Bible. You cannot pick and choose what you want to hold on to and jettison the rest. This is a dangerous group, and included in this movement is one of Billy Graham’s granddaughters. She is all-in on Harris. And, of course, this is considered a “win” for the group, having a high-profile person connected to someone like Dr. Graham on their side.

 The only way an “Evangelical” Christian could support the platform being pushed by Harris and her cohorts, when you can make sense of their word salad approach to discussing topics, would be to ignore Biblical teachings on some very important topics.

 In the next blog, which we will get done before the election, we will deal with some other statements made on the “Evangelicals for Harris” webpage that do not line up with facts and note a few of the names behind the movement and show where they stand when it comes to the Word of God and their agenda and thought process of trying to infiltrate Evangelical churches with their message, which, unfortunately, is working to some extent.


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